Copyright © 2024 COG CarSelect (formerly trading as Fleet Avenue). All rights reserved. Licenced Motor Dealer Lic No: MD61333
About this policy
About this policy
This policy is for Fleet Avenue Pty Ltd trading as COG CarSelect ACN 154 884 938 (“we,”, “us”, “our”), who is considered an Australian Privacy Principles (APP) entity, as defined in the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.
This policy outlines the following, including but not limited to:
Who are we and what is our main function or activity?
We are a car buying service and a subsidiary of Platform Consolidated Group Pty Ltd ACN 609 245 981. We have direct access to fleet prices at over 1300 dealerships across Australia and we help clients find a competitive price on all new car makes and models.
What is Personal Information (PI) and what kinds do we collect and hold?
PI is information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable. Examples of the kinds of PI we collect include, but are not limited to an individual’s:
Sensitive Information is also a form of PI and can include information or an opinion about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, criminal record or health information. Generally, we are not required to collect Sensitive Information as it is not reasonably necessary for our main function or activity.
However, if you require information about any insurance products we offer, we may need to obtain health information from you. If this is the case, we will inform you and obtain your consent prior to obtaining the information.
How we collect your PI
In the majority of cases, we will collect your PI directly from you when you apply for a finance and / or insurance product and this is referred to as ‘solicited information.’ Where you consent for us to do so, we can also collect your PI from third parties, such as employers, accountants, banks or referrers (who may simply provide us with your contact details.)
Why do we collect your PI and how do we hold, use and who do we disclose it to?
We collect your PI to provide you with finance and / or insurance products you’ve requested. If we proceed with providing finance and / or insurance products to you, we will hold your PI for a period of seven years after the finance contract has ceased. After that period, we will delete the PI we no longer require.
We disclose your PI to the following sources, including but not limited to:
How we deal with an individuals who remain anonymous or use a pseudonym?
You have the option of not identifying yourself or of using a pseudonym when dealing with us. For example, if you contacted us with a general enquiry about our products, services or the financiers or insurers we have on our panel, you don’t need to identify yourself.
However, if you elect to apply for a finance and/ or insurance product, you will need to identify yourself, as your PI is required to support a finance application.
How we deal with solicited information
We will only collect information form you or from a third party with your consent, that is reasonably necessary for our main function or activity, that is, any activity related to a finance and or insurance application. Whilst we generally don’t collect sensitive information, we will only do so if it is related to our main function or activity and we obtain your consent to collect it.
How we deal with unsolicited information
If we receive PI about you that you did not solicit, we will determine if we could have obtained this information by lawful and fair means. An example may be where we obtain information about you from your accountant or solicitor. However, if we determine we would be unable to collect the information by lawful and fair means or if the information is not reasonably necessary for our main function or activity, we will destroy or permanently de-identify the information.
Notification of the collection and use of personal information
When we collect PI directly from you, we will advise you of the purposes for which it was collected, who it will be disclosed to and why, how you can access your PI and seek its correction or how you can make a complaint if you believe your PI was not handled in accordance with this policy or the APPs.
In circumstances where we collect PI from a third party about you, we will inform you of that collection and if the PI is reasonably necessary for our main function or activity, how we intend on using it and who we will disclose it to.
Direct marketing and how you can opt out of receiving marketing material
We may use the PI we collected from you for the purpose of marketing about additional products or services available to you, both via our group and third parties. These marketing activities may be conducted via e-mail, telephone, social media platforms, SMS, mail or any other electronic means. We won’t sell your PI to any organization outside our group.
If you do not wish to receive marketing material from us, you can opt out and any time but simply sending an e-mail to [email protected] and we will update our records and systems accordingly. Alternatively, you can call us on 1300 730 772 and advise us you no longer wish to receive marketing material. Generally speaking, we will stop sending direct marketing material to you within 30 days of receiving the request.
Cross-border disclosure of PI
Our group operates in Australia, however, we may share your information with organisations outside Australia whom we are affiliated and have contractual arrangements with. These countries include, but are not limited to:
As electronic or networked storage can be accessed from various countries via an internet connection, it’s not always practicable to know in which country your information may be held. If your information is stored in this way, disclosures may occur in countries other than those listed.
Overseas organisations may be required to disclose information we share with them under a foreign law. In those instances, we will not be responsible for that disclosure.
Use and collection of government related identifiers
As part of the finance application process, we may collect government related identifiers from you that appear on certain documents. Examples of government related identifiers include, but are not limited to:
We won’t use a government related identifier to identify you or your application, as generally we will use your name and / or an application number.
When providing certain finance and / or insurance products to you, we may be required to disclose certain government related identifies, such as a Driver’s Licence number to a financier or insurer, which forms part of their identification process.
However, there are specific requirements relating to Tax File Numbers. Under the Tax File Number Rule 2015, TFNs should only be collected under superannuation, taxation and personal assistance laws. We will take all reasonable steps to permanently de-identify any TFN that appears on a document we have received from you, your employer or accountant.
How we ensure your PI is up to date and accurate
We will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the PI we hold about you is accurate, up to date and complete. However, if any of your PI needs to be updated, please contact us (refer to the Contact Us section of this policy) and we will update it for you.
How do we keep your PI secure?
We take the security of your PI seriously and as information is stored both electronically and in hardcopy format, we have a variety of safety measures in place to protect your PI from misuse, modification, interference, loss, unauthorized access or disclosure. Some of the safety measures include, but are not limited to:
Where we store PI physically or electronically with third party data storage providers, we have contractual arrangements to ensure those providers take appropriate security measures to protect that that information and restrict those who access it.
How can you access your PI and seek its correction?
If we hold PI about you, we must provide you with access to that information upon receiving a request from you. However, there are certain circumstances where we may not provide you with access to your PI, such as:
If we can’t provide the information you’ve requested, we will advise you in writing as to the reasons and how you can make a complaint.
If you believe the PI we hold about you is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, or irrelevant, please contact us and we’ll update it.
How do you make a complaint?
If you believe we haven’t handled your PI in accordance with this policy or the APPs, you can contact us using the details below:
COG CarSelect
Level 1, 72 Archer Street
Chatswood NSW 2067
1300 730 772
Most complaints can be resolved on the spot or within days. We’ll keep you informed of our progress and if we’re unable to resolve your complaint within 21 days we’ll tell you that we need more time to investigate.
In the event of a delay and we’re unable to provide you with a final response within 45 days, we’ll tell you the reason for the delay, give you a date you can expect to hear an outcome and update you monthly.
Changes to this policy
Any changes we make to this policy will be updated on our website.
Contact us
If you have any questions about this policy or other privacy related procedures for our group, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the details below.
COG CarSelect
Level 1, 72 Archer Street
Chatswood NSW 2067
1300 730 772